Best Practices for SaaS Metrics Dashboards in 2024

Stas Kovalsky
Co-Founder & Designer

Imagine a world where data speaks louder than words. In 2024, that world is our reality. SaaS companies swim in oceans of information every day. But how do they make sense of it all? Especially when it comes to newcomers who need help to navigate the big world of possibilities.

The mighty dashboard and its key metrics come to the rescue. It's worth saying that it's not just a tool. It is a real compass for navigating the rough seas of business. The right dashboard can unlock hidden treasures. And if you draw an analogy from a famous movie, SaaS can spot icebergs before they sink your ship.

In this article, our Glow will dive into the art of dashboard development. We'll look at what will make a dashboard glow (like our company!) in 2024. You'll learn how to create dashboards that inform and inspire action. Get ready to turn raw data into your company's superpower.

What is a SaaS Dashboard?

First of all, you should always start with the basics. And before you move on to more complex calculations, you need to understand a SaaS dashboard. Essentially, it's a digital snapshot of your business. It shows key data about your software-as-a-service company at a glance. Think of it as a monitor of your company's vital signs.

These dashboards automatically receive data from a variety of sources. They display this information with the help of:

  • graphs
  • charts
  • figures
  • tables
  • and so on

It makes complex data easy to understand and act on. Metrics dashboards track essential metrics such as revenue and user growth. They also track customer satisfaction and product usage. Much of the data is updated in real time, allowing for quick decision-making.

Different teams use dashboards for different purposes. For example, the sales team tracks leads and conversions. Product teams, on the other hand, monitor the rate of feature adoption. Support monitors the volume of requests and response times. And there are lots and lots of such examples.

Good SaaS metrics are customizable according to your needs. You can choose which metrics will be displayed prominently. It will help you focus on what is most important to your business.

Essentially, the dashboard turns raw data into information. It helps companies spot trends, identify problems, and find opportunities. It's an indispensable tool for navigating the fast-paced world of SaaS.

Importance in SaaS Business

SaaS (Software as a Service) has revolutionized the software industry. It offers cloud-based solutions accessible through web browsers. SaaS models provide flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness for businesses. Understanding the value of analytics dashboards is critical to success in this area:

  • Customer Attraction. Attracting new customers is vital to SaaS growth. Effective marketing strategies help in reaching out to the target audience. Free trials and demos show potential customers the value of the product. Optimized signup processes ensure smooth customer transition.
  • Product Development. Continuous improvement is essential in the competitive SaaS market. Regular updates address user needs and bug fixes. New features keep the product relevant and attractive. User feedback prioritizes development and increases customer satisfaction.
  • Pricing Strategy. Pricing models have a significant impact on the success of a SaaS product. Tiered pricing targets different customer segments. Freemium options can attract users and incentivize upgrades. Pricing should strike a balance between value and profitability.
  • Customer Support. Excellent support is the cornerstone of SaaS customer retention. Prompt problem resolution keeps users satisfied. Self-service resources allow customers to resolve issues on their own. Proactive support prevents potential problems before they occur.
  • Data Security. Protecting customer data is paramount to the SaaS metrics dashboard. Robust security measures keep sensitive information safe. Regular audits ensure compliance with data protection regulations. Transparency in security practices builds customer trust.

Essential SaaS Metrics

Tracking the proper metrics is critical to SaaS success. Key performance indicators (KPIs) provide insight into the state of your business and growth potential. Key metrics include various metrics dashboards. These metrics provide a comprehensive view of your financial performance, customer behavior, and overall business performance.

These product-specific metrics help assess the product's market fit and user engagement. By tracking key metrics, SaaS companies can make data-driven decisions. It will enable you to optimize your operations and ensure sustainable growth in the competitive environment in 2024.

Churn Rate

The churn rate measures the percentage of customers who stop using your service over a period. In 2024, reducing churn is more critical than ever for SaaS sustainability. Track customer churn (lost accounts) and revenue churn (lost revenue). Analyze churn by customer segments to identify at-risk groups. Implement predictive churn models using AI to address potential churners proactively. Established SaaS companies typically have A healthy churn rate below 5% annually.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of leads or visitors who take the desired action. In 2024, optimizing these key metrics will be critical for effective growth. Track your conversion rate at every funnel stage - from website visits to paid subscriptions. Use A/B testing and artificial intelligence-based personalization. It will improve conversion rates. Compare metrics to industry standards, but remember that a "good" conversion rate depends on product, price, and target market.

Sales Metrics

Key sales metrics for SaaS dashboards in 2024 include:

  • Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)
  • Average Deal Size
  • Sales Cycle Length
  • Win Rate
  • Revenue by Product/Plan
  • Sales Team Performance

Track these metrics on the analytics dashboard. It will allow you to optimize your sales process and accurately forecast revenue. Use AI-driven data to predict deal outcomes and prioritize high-potential leads. Visualize sales data with pipeline stages and revenue forecasts.

Customer Metrics

Essential customer metrics for 2024:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  • Customer Health Score
  • Time to Value
  • Feature Adoption Rate
  • Support Ticket Volume and Resolution Time

These metrics dashboard provide a holistic view of customer experience and success. Use AI to analyze customer feedback and predict satisfaction levels. Visualize customer health trends and segment data to identify patterns. Proactively address issues and celebrate successes to boost retention and advocacy.

Steps to Create a SaaS Dashboard

Creating a proper SaaS metrics dashboard is not easy. If you are a beginner and not ready to do it yourself, our team can help you. But it's not hard, and you can do it by following easy steps:

  • Define your goals. Clearly define what you want to achieve with your dashboard. What do you need for management oversight, team performance reviews, or customer status monitoring?
  • Identify key metrics. Based on your goals, choose the most critical KPIs. Make sure they align with your business goals and provide actionable insights.
  • Choose a tool to create your dashboard. Choose a platform that offers flexibility, integration, and scalability. Some popular options include Tableau, Looker, and Sisense.
  • Data integration. Connect data sources (CRM, product analytics, financial systems) to your SaaS product. Ensure data accuracy and real-time updates.
  • Layout design. Create an intuitive layout that presents information. Group related metrics and use appropriate visualizations for each type of data.
  • Customize the visualizations. Choose the charts, graphs, and tables that best represent your data. Use colors and icons to highlight important information.
  • Test and improve. Gather user feedback and refine your dashboard. Make sure it loads quickly and updates accurately.
  • Ensure security. Establish proper access controls and data encryption to protect sensitive information.
  • Educate users. Guide how to interpret and act on the dashboard data.

Overview of Different Types of Dashboards

SaaS companies use a variety of specialized metrics dashboards for monitoring. Each type of dashboard focuses on specific metrics and serves specific teams or goals within the organization. From marketing metrics to financial health, these dashboards provide targeted information. And it contributes to informed decision-making.

By implementing a set of well-designed, customized dashboards, SaaS companies can ensure that every department has the data they need at their fingertips. It allows teams to work efficiently, identify trends quickly, and take the right action. Let's take a look at some of the most common types of dashboards:

SaaS Marketing Dashboard

A SaaS Marketing Dashboard tracks campaign performance, lead generation, and channel effectiveness. Key metrics include Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), and conversion rates by channel. It visualizes the marketing funnel, showing how leads progress from awareness to conversion. Use it to optimize marketing spend and strategy.

SaaS Analytics Dashboard

The Analytics Dashboard provides insights into user behavior and product performance. It tracks metrics like Daily Active Users (DAU), feature adoption rates, and user engagement levels. Use cohort analysis to understand retention trends. This dashboard helps product teams identify popular features, spot usability issues, and prioritize product development.

SaaS Sales Dashboard

A Sales Dashboard monitors the sales pipeline, team performance, and revenue trends. Key metrics include win rates, average deal size, and sales cycle length. Visualize the sales funnel and forecast future revenue. Use this dashboard to identify top performers, optimize the sales process, and track progress toward revenue goals.

Finance SaaS Dashboard

The Finance Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of the company's financial health. It tracks metrics like Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Cash Burn Rate, and Gross Margin. Use it to monitor cash flow, analyze revenue trends, and ensure financial stability. This dashboard is crucial for financial planning and investor reporting.

SaaS Product Dashboard

A Product Dashboard focuses on user engagement and feature performance. It tracks metrics like feature usage, user flows, and error rates. Use it to identify popular features, spot usability issues, and guide product development. This dashboard helps product teams make data-driven decisions about feature prioritization and user experience improvements.

SaaS Executive Dashboard

The Executive Dashboard provides a high-level overview of key business metrics for leadership teams. It includes critical KPIs like MRR growth, churn rate, and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). Use it to track company performance, identify trends, and make strategic decisions. This dashboard often includes benchmarks and goals for quick performance assessment.

SaaS MRR Dashboard

An MRR Dashboard focuses specifically on Monthly Recurring Revenue trends. It breaks down MRR by new, expansion, contraction, and churned revenue. Visualize MRR growth over time and by customer segments. Use this SaaS metrics to track revenue health, identify upsell opportunities, and forecast future growth.

SaaS Customer Dashboard

The Customer Dashboard provides insights into customer health and satisfaction. It tracks metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Health Score, and support ticket trends. Use it to identify at-risk customers, recognize advocates, and guide customer success strategies. This dashboard helps teams proactively manage customer relationships and reduce churn.

Overview of Design Best Practices

Effective SaaS dashboard design in 2024 follows key metrics and principles to ensure clarity and actionability:

  • Simplicity: Focus on essential metrics to avoid information overload.
  • Hierarchy: Organize information with the most critical data prominent.
  • Consistency: Use uniform colors, fonts, and chart types for cohesiveness.
  • Interactivity: Allow users to drill down into data for deeper insights.
  • Customization: Enable users to tailor views to their specific needs.
  • Real-time Updates: Ensure data is current for timely decision-making.
  • Mobile Optimization: Design for both desktop and mobile accessibility.
  • Contextual Information: Provide benchmarks and goals for metric context.
  • Actionable Insights: Include recommendations based on data trends.
  • Accessibility: Use color-blind-friendly palettes and clear labeling.

By adhering to these best practices, SaaS companies can create intuitive, informative dashboards that drive data-informed decision-making.


In 2024, well-designed SaaS metrics dashboards are indispensable for data-driven success. Companies can convert data into useful insights by focusing on essential KPIs, employing purpose-built dashboards, and adhering to design best practices. Adopt these methods to negotiate the competitive SaaS landscape and drive long-term growth.
